datasheet here<-------
![]() The INA128 and INA129 are low power, generalpurpose instrumentation amplifiers offering excellentaccuracy. The versatile 3-op amp design and small sizemake them ideal for a wide range of applications.Current-feedback input circuitry provides widebandwidth even at high gain (200kHz at G = 100). datasheet here<-------
how to simulate Arduino with Proteus
http://www.youspice.com/ys/gettingstartedwithproteus.3sp?pageNum=0 ![]() The CD4041UB/CD4041UBC is a quad true/complementbuffer consisting of N- and P-channel enhancement modetransistors having low-channel resistance and high current(sourcing and sinking) capability. The CD4041 is intendedfor use as a buffer, line driver, or CMOS-to-TTL driver.All inputs are protected from static discharge by diodeclamps to VDDand VSS. datasheet here<---- ![]() The 4N25 family is an industry standard single channelphototransistor coupler. This family includes the 4N25,4N26, 4N27, 4N28. Each optocoupler consists of galliumarsenide infrared LED and a silicon NPN phototransistor. datasheet here<--- ![]() These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputsdesigned specifically for driving highly-capacitive or rela-tively low-impedance loads. The high-impedance state andincreased high-logic level drive provide these registers withthe capability of being connected directly to and driving thebus lines in a bus-organized system without need for inter-face or pull-up components. They are particularly attractivefor implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional busdrivers, and working registers datasheet here<----- ![]() The CD4047B is capable of operating in either themonostable or astable mode. It requires an external capac-itor (between pins 1 and 3) and an external resistor(between pins 2 and 3) to determine the output pulse widthin the monostable mode, and the output frequency in theastable mode.Astable operation is enabled by a high level on the astableinput or low level on the astable input. The output fre-quency (at 50% duty cycle) at Q and Q outputs is deter-mined by the timing components. A frequency twice that ofQ is available at the Oscillator Output; a 50% duty cycle isnot guaranteed.Monostable operation is obtained when the device is trig-gered by LOW-to-HIGH transition at + trigger input orHIGH-to-LOW transition at − trigger input. The device canbe retriggered by applying a simultaneous LOW-to-HIGHtransition to both the + trigger and retrigger inputs.A high level on Reset input resets the outputs Q to LOW, Qto HIGH. datasheet here<--------- |
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